Into the Badlands is an American television series that premiered on AMC November 15, 2015. Based on the 16th-century novel by Chinese author Wu Cheng’ En, Journey to the West, the series features a story about a warrior and a young boy who journey through a dangerous feudal land together seeking enlightenment [Wikipedia].
The MB45 is a relatively versatile telescopic crane suitable for any film set or TV studio as this crane has the same dolly ‚footprint’ as the smaller MB30 crane. It is universal to work with and depending on the type and weight of camera package carried it is possible to modify the length and reach of the arm from 35 feet to 45 feet in a matter of minutes.
11-20.10.2022. Kraków, Poland - 17th audiovisual workshop.
9.09.2022 - 12.09.2022 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Warsaw Virtual Experience - workshops on XR technology (augmented reality).
MovieBird crane MB45 worked during the Junior Eurovision 2019.
MovieBird crane MB30 worked during the WOŚP (Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy) 2019.