MovieBird MB-12 at Film Spring Open

2 years ago
Maciej Hełm

11-20.10.2022. Kraków, Poland - 17th audiovisual workshop.

IBC – International Broadcasting Convention 2022

2 years ago

9.09.2022 - 12.09.2022 Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Warsaw Virtual Experience 2022

2 years ago

Warsaw Virtual Experience - workshops on XR technology (augmented reality).

MovieBird on Events – Oscars 2020

5 years ago

MovieBird crane MB45 worked during the Oscars 2020.

MovieBird on Events – Junior Eurovision 2019

5 years ago

MovieBird crane MB45 worked during the Junior Eurovision 2019.

MovieBird on Events – WOŚP 2019

5 years ago

MovieBird crane MB30 worked during the WOŚP (Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy) 2019.

MovieBird on Events – EMMYS 2019

5 years ago

MovieBird crane MB45 worked during the EMMYS 2019.

MovieBird on Events – Pyeong Chang Olympic Winter Games 2018

5 years ago

MovieBird crane MB45 worked during the Pyeong Chang Olympic Winter Games 2018.

MovieBird on Events – Berlinare Palast 2018

5 years ago

MovieBird crane MB45 worked during the Berlinare Palast 2018.

MovieBird on Events – London Olimpic Games 2012

5 years ago

MovieBird crane MB45 worked during the London Olimpic Games 2012.