We rent cranes with a technical support team |Possible to rent with or without our remote heads
Contact: Piotr Czernecki: email: pcz@moviebird.com or info@moviebird.com. Phone: +48 782 479 077
Crane MB12
The all-new MovieBird MB12 “MiniBird” is a lightweight and agile two-section telescopic camera crane. More info
Crane MB50XL
Despite it’s reach of 50ft it’s still a very compact crane when retracted, easy to transport and move around on the film set. More info
Crane MB45
The MB45 is a relatively versatile telescopic crane suitable for any film set or TV studio as this crane has the same dolly ‘footprint’ as the smaller MB30 crane. More info.
Crane MB70
This is the largest crane with a fixed arm. It’s combined construction allows regulating the length of an arm from 26 ft. up to 70 ft (8-22 meters).
Magic Head
The MagicHead is a simple but robust 2-axis digital remote head. More info.
We rent Magic Head with or without Hand Wheels Cranks, PanBar Extension or PanBar Hammer.